دار النشر Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public health
سنة النشر 2020

The satisfaction of patient with removable partial denture therapy from point of the comfort and chewing efficiency

زينب محمود جواد الجمالي
دار النشر Dental and Medical Problems
سنة النشر 2019

effect of acute methyl methacrylate vapor inhalation on smokers and non smoker respiratory function in a sample of male dentistry students

زينب محمود جواد الجمالي
دار النشر Journal of Global Pharma Technology
سنة النشر 2017

Synthesis of new organic compounds via three components reaction with studying of (identification, thermal behavior, bioactivity on bacteria of teeth)

زينب محمود جواد الجمالي
دار النشر International Journal Of Advanced Research In Medical & Pharmaceutical Sciences (IJARMPS
سنة النشر 2017

Studying of (Bacterial and Chromatigraphic)- Behavior for (Nitrogen ,Sulfur)-Heterocycles on Mouths , Bacteria

زينب محمود جواد الجمالي
دار النشر Wolter Kluwer
سنة النشر 2017

Effect of Monomer Inhalation on The Lung Function Volume of Dentistry Female Students By Using The Spirometer

زينب محمود جواد الجمالي