دار النشر Jisuan Lixue Xuebao
سنة النشر 2023

Convolutional Neural Network-Based Deep Learning Model Evaluation of Imbalanced Leukocyte Classification Datasets

جميله علي عبدالصاحب الكريمي
دار النشر IJSRNSC International journal of scientific research in network security and communication
سنة النشر 2023

Measures of Effectiveness for E learning of University Students During the Covid-19 Pandemic Using the Statistical Model

جميله علي عبدالصاحب الكريمي
دار النشر Iranian Journal of Animal Biosystematics (IJAB)
سنة النشر 2016

Annotated checklist of semi-venomous and

اسراء ناظم حبيب
دار النشر Medical Journal of Babylon
سنة النشر 2016

Shear Bond Strength of Composite Resin Bonded to Enamel Etched with Er; Cr : YSGG Laser: A Comparative in vitro Study

قاسم عبدالكريم محمد البياتي
دار النشر Research J. Pharm. and Tech.
سنة النشر 2015

Dental Health in Osteoporotic Women

انس معز عبدالحسين